About Diabetes: A Scientific Elucidation

It is an interesting observation that during my day to day consultation with my patients I have found every third person to be suffering from Diabetes and almost every alternate patient has got somebody in their family who is suffering from Diabetes. This extremely high prevalence of Diabetes is evident only in our country.
The management of Diabetes is getting eased off over the last few decades due to immense research work which is being done in the discipline of Diabetes throughout the globe. In spite of so much of development, hurdles remain profound in managing Diabetes. These hurdles are ignorance and ill –information regarding Diabetes among citizens and foremost of all are the misconceptions regarding Diabetes.
I can presume that whichever Physician a patient consults, he gets quite a bit of information regarding the management of Diabetes and in most of cases it is quite unlikely that there will be any difference of opinion. The problem remains in the dedication of adequate time to explain each and everything about Diabetes which is hardly given by any physician nowadays. Even I take 45 mins to examine and give adequate consultation to a Diabetic patient. All the physicians want their patients to keep on doing well without any ups and downs. But even then, be due to inadequate sharing of information from the physicians part or due to negative typecasting of the doctor fraternity by the media, it is hard to find a patient to sustain his/her treatment with a single Physician. The trust never develops and that is quite unfortunate. If one does not have adequate confidence in the qualification and credibility of the doctors’ management skills then the overall treatment gets a hard beating.
The motto behind authoring this Diabetes Manual is quite simple. It is to make things very clear and lucid regarding Diabetes. 
The size of the manual is quite large and it is being delivered with basic information regarding Diabetes. The adverse events of Diabetic Medicines have been incorporated and also I have ensured that the Targets in management of Diabetes are also well elucidated which is very important information. Facts and facets regarding Insulin should be very clear. Most of the people are afraid of Insulin. The two most important reasons behind this fear are first of all it is in injectable form and most of us are afraid of injections and secondly, a myth is imbibed among the common people that usage of insulin is a tell-tale sign of end-stage of Diabetes which is actually a big negative idea. Even it took pains to break the ice while initiating insulin to my mother who is a 12-year long diabetic and that now when her blood glucose is under control, she is disbelieving the laboratory reports.
Whatever, I have immense faith in the readers of this article as I hope to incorporate correct information regarding diabetes and break the myths. It is strongly recommended that you should consult your physician and Diabetologist for proper management of Diabetes and in case of any discrepancy of information provided in this composition.

(Source: www.practo.com)

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